Uro Basti, also known as Hrid Basti, is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy focused on the chest region. This unique treatment involves the retention of warm, medicated oil over the heart area using a dough ring, providing profound relief for various heart and chest-related ailments. Uro Basti is celebrated for its ability to nourish, strengthen, and rejuvenate the heart and lungs, promoting overall cardiovascular health and emotional well-being.
Uro Basti, derived from the Sanskrit words "Uro" (chest) and "Basti" (retention), is a vital part of Panchakarma, the comprehensive Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation program. This therapy is designed to address imbalances in the doshas, particularly Vata and Pitta, that affect the chest and heart regions.
In conclusion, Uro Basti is a deeply therapeutic Ayurvedic treatment that offers numerous benefits for cardiovascular and respiratory health. Its ability to nourish, strengthen, and rejuvenate the heart and lungs makes it a cherished practice in the realm of holistic health care.